Moving data to a new school year

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In Edupage data about students are stored individually for each year. Near the end of the school year or during holidays you should transfer students to a new school year. This can be done by an administrator through 'Start' - 'Popular actions' - 'Basic school data'.

Select 'Classes', new school year and click on 'Import to new school year':

In a new dialog box you will see list of your classes from last school year. Click "Transfer" to move class to next school year and confirm by clicking the 'OK' button. You will have an option to input new name for the class.

It is recommended to do this at the end of the school year.

If you move some students/class to the new year by mistake, you can delete them with "Delete" button at the bottom.
You can also add new students to the school year manually with "New record" button.