Teachers attendance

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Module Teachers attendance:

  1. Allows you to keep track of arrivals, departures and any abandonments of school during the day.

  2. Can record attendance of non-teaching staff.

  3. It is fully compatible with the aSc Access System, where data is transferred from this system directly to the Edupage when the employee beeps (when he enters the school building).

  4. It is also possible to record time, which teachers spend preparing for teaching outside school. This preparation time will be counted to the result time of teacher attendance.

  5. Thanks to the connection to aScTimeTables, Substitutions and aScClassregister, it allows you to keep track of taught lessons.

Where can I find Teacher Attendance?
In the left menu, select Education and then Teacher Attendance.

Module Teacher Attendance counts taught lessons, not taught lessons, absences, substituted lessons, extra lessons, etc.