Import of payments from bank statement

import of payments, bank statement, credit payments, debit payments

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Import of payments from the bank statement enables school record payments quickly, without mistakes and with no duplicity. First of all you need to export the bank statement in required format from internet banking and save it in your computer.

Please contact us if your bank is not on our supported banks list. We will be glad to include it.

To import payments from the bank statement please follow the steps:

You need to choose the right bank account, file format and you can set up the credit, debit or all payments. After clicking Choose File you need to choose file saved in your computer and payments stated on the bank statement will be displayed.

The imported payments are displayed in the Payments section.

During the import the system checks individual transactions and prevents importing the same payment twice.
Imported payments need to be confirmed How to confirm the imported payments

Please see also other helps in this category - Incoming payments handling