Administrator - How to create a course for school club

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Teacher - How to create a course for a school club

The school club can be entered in EduPage. The administrator or the teacher creates a course for each school club department in a similar way to any other course.

The administrator can create the school club course in Agenda online. It serves as an overview of all created course for school club and interest groups.

It is important to select "school club" from the subjects options.

When selecting students tick only the students, who attend the school club. Save changes.

If there are students from multiple classes, they can be selected in a different way too. Start typing the student's name into the search box on the right. The system lists students. Tick the students who attend the school club. The corresponding class will be added automatically. Select the rest of the students in a similar way.

To display the course in the class register, add the school club schedule in the personal timetable of the teacher. You can add the schedule via + Add course. It can be added at a later stage too. The instructions are described here: Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?

The course has been created. It can be found in EduPage after login. The teacher can create a teaching plan for the course, record the topic in class register, record attendance etc.
For more information: Teacher - How to create a course for a school club

Several teachers take turns teaching in one school club department. How to create a course

Note: If there are more departments in the school club, a question arises of how many courses to create for the school club. Please, bear in mind that each course comes with its new class register.