Rights to grades

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These are the rights to view/enter grades in gradebook. Rights are linked to "official courses". If a teacher creates an official course, they can enter grades. It is not necessary for the administrator to set their rights elsewhere.

There are two rights modes:
a) unrestricted mode
b) restricted mode

a) Unrestricted mode is the default mode. In this mode, each teacher can input grades to all students.

If a teacher needs to enter grades to a student from another course, for example, during substitution, EduPage allows to do this throught Advanced mode. Advanced mode to enter/view grades

b) Restricted Mode
Click the rights icon and select "Restricted mode".

If a teacher creates an official course, he can enter grades. Other teachers can not use the "advanced mode". If you want to explicitly grant some of the teachers the rights to view or input grades to students from another teacher's course, grant them additional rights in the right menu. They will be able to enter grades through the Advanced mode.

Administrator: How to set up rights in the grade book?