How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?

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When selecting a topic from your plan, there is a number displayed in the upper part of the dialog. It informs the teacher if he is forward or behind compared to the plan. Positive number means, you are ahead of the plan. Negative number means you are behind in the plan.

If you set your mouse over the number, more details will be displayed.

Interpretation of the numbers:

Remaining lessons:
When creating a course at the beginning of school year, a teacher can state the number of lessons per week. EduPage calculates the number of lessons available for the whole school year. How to plan the curriculum for individual months?
If the number of Taught lessons is subtracted from the total number of lessons available for the whole school year, the resulting number is the number of "Remaining lessons".

Taught lessons are lessons that have already taken place.

Spare lessons:
The teachers create a teaching plan at the beginning of the school year. They allocate the number of lessons for each topic according to their needs. The number of planned lessons is a summary of all lessons in the teaching plan.
Spare lessons is the number of lessons available for the whole school year reduced by the number of lessons in the teaching plan.

Remaining lessons:
"Remaining lessons" represent the number of lessons available for the whole school year reduced by taught lessons.