How to assign the students homework, so that they can submit their work as a file or text?

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If the students are required to submit their homework as a text or file, e.g. programm source code, follow these instructions:
Click the "Start" button in the top left corner and select the "Add homework" option.

Type the assignment text of the HW and check the due date.
Tick the "Allow students to submit text or files" checkbox.
Assign the homework by clicking the "Done" button.

The system creates an open question for you. Students can submit their elaboration to this question.

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You can also assign this type of homework in the mobile app:

Student - How to submit HW with attached file

Submitted elaborations of your students will be nicely sorted in the relevant homework. The photos from students of different classes, subjects and assignments will not mix in your mailbox.

You will see who submitted their homework on time and who didn't. The submitted homeworks are easy to mark.

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The marked homeworks and your comments can be sent to the students.

Note: Automatic creation of an open question does not work if there are already other cards in the HW. In this case, you need to create an open question manually.