Subjects with more components

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A situation similar to this one may occure:

The subject of the English language and literature consists of two components. The Language part and the Literature part.

There are two ways how to create an course for this subject:
1st option - one plan for both subject components
2nd option - two courses, two plans connected throught "Subject component".

1st option - one plan for both subject components

You can include multiple components in the teaching plan:

When you choose a topic in class register, you do not have to choose topics in order. You can choose a lesson from the first component and then a lesson from the second component.

2nd option - two courses, two plans connected throught "Subject component"

Some teachers used to have 2 plans. One especially for Language and one especially for Literature.

During creation of the course select Advanced settings

and type in course component

In class register you can select teaching plan for other component of subject.