Assigning homework/test over again to selected students

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If you need to assign a teching material (test, homework) again to selected students:

Click the "Results" tab in the top menu. Select the relevant material from the list in the left column. Click "Overview" and select "Edit assignments of the material".

Click the "Select students" option.

The system offers 3 options:

  • Return the material to some students so that they can do it again (mark as for rework). If date and time for submitting the material had been limited, the selected students can now work on the test outside that timeframe.
    The advantage of this option is that the results of all students will display in one overview. You can return the test/homework for rework simply by setting the "For rework" option in the "Results/Grades" tab in the specific student row. How to assign students a test again / return it for rework?
  • Create new assignment. The test can be assigned again to selected students. However, the results from this assignment will display in a different overview than the initial assignment.
  • Delete the redundant students from the initial assignment - if the material has been assigned to them by mistake, for example. If the students have already submitted their answers, they will be deleted too.
    How to input a new record into already existing event in grade book