What is a course? How to create it?

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What is a course?
If you teach Mathematics in 5.A, the course is a combination of the subject (Mathematics) and the class you teach this subject (5.A) to.

If you do not teach the entire class, but only part of the class (for example, students are divided into two groups for Mathematics), the course is a combination of the subject (Mathematics) and the group of students you teach.

To create a new course, select "My courses" in the top menu. Then, press "+".

Select a subject and a class. Click on Students/Groups.

If you have a teaching plan from previous school year or you if you teach parallel classes, you can choose "Make a copy of the plan".

If a timetable has already been published, EduPage will make it easier for the teacher to create courses by preparing a list of courses the teacher should teach according to the timetable. These aren't courses, it's just a tool for creating courses.

To create courses in this way, click on the tiles with the bell icon one by one and save it.

If the courses are divided, check/select students you teach. Divided and joined classes